Hi guys!

I am developing custom kamailio module in which I am parsing some properties from incoming SIP messages and I am persisting them within linked list of my custom structure.

I am also accessing this linked list and I am deciding on the data which part of my program will be executed. I am also at some point removing items from linked list.

I was testing my module only in single fork while I was developing it but now I want to use it with multiple forks. My linked list is allocated via `shm_malloc` function and all data within it as well. I assumed that I need to allocate some lock as well so at the time of creation single node I am allocating lock by http://www.asipto.com/pub/kamailio-devel-guide/#c03lock_init

Unfortunately I didn't find anywhere how should I access this kind of data. Do I need to check every time I want to access my structure if the lock is unlocked and if I am accessing it I need to lock it? Or are these actions performed by kamailio internally?

Another question is if it is sufficient to have one lock per structure or I need to lock every structure within that structure? For instance:

typedef struct node {
    char *some_property;

    another_node_t *some_other_property;
    another_node_t *another_property;

    struct node *prev;
    struct node *next;

    gen_lock_t *lock;

} node_t;

In this scenario do I need create `gen_lock_t` also within `another_node_t` structure?

Thanks in advance for any help