I want to get $fU and $tU from event_route[msrp:frame-in] in order to filter out MSRP messages sent by a specific sender and received by a specific receiver, I know I can get message content from $msrp(buf), the message content is like this:

MSRP 7a57f552155926c0 SEND
To-Path: msrp://;tcp msrp://;tcp msrp://;tcp
From-Path: msrp://;tcp msrp://;tcp msrp://;tcp
Byte-Range: 1-197/197
Failure-Report: yes
Success-Report: yes
Message-ID: c792c94039b8a969
Content-Type: message/cpim

From: sip:alice@ims.mnc001.mcc001.3gppnetwork.org
To: sip:bob@ims.mnc001.mcc001.3gppnetwork.org
DateTime: 2021-09-16T09:23:49.339805+00:00

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


I want to get alice and bob from the content below:

From: sip:alice@ims.mnc001.mcc001.3gppnetwork.org
To: sip:bob@ims.mnc001.mcc001.3gppnetwork.org
DateTime: 2021-09-16T09:23:49.339805+00:00

someone can suggest some method. In other route like request_route we can use $fU and $tU to access them.


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