Hi GitHub Team,

We are trying to find how to disable the SIP Precondition flag in the Kamailio, because until now the only way to do any changes is via UE (Smartphones with debug SW).

According with the RFC3312 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3312)

The SDP parameters are the following

We define the following media level SDP attributes:

  current-status     =  "a=curr:" precondition-type
                        SP status-type SP direction-tag
  desired-status     =  "a=des:" precondition-type
                        SP strength-tag SP status-type
                        SP direction-tag
  confirm-status     =  "a=conf:" precondition-type
                        SP status-type SP direction-tag
  **precondition-type  =  "qos" | token
  strength-tag       =  ("mandatory" | "optional" | "none"
                     =  | "failure" | "unknown")**
  status-type        =  ("e2e" | "local" | "remote")
  direction-tag      =  ("none" | "send" | "recv" | "sendrecv")

Which one should be the equivalent in the Kamailio?, is the a specific module?



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