On 24 Oct 2023, at 09:40, Mojtaba <mespio@gmail.com> wrote:

The SIP user agent can register in the same Kamailio which is support RTSP module

That’s thte SIP user agent client. Where do you run the SIP user agent SERVER?


On Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 11:00 AM Olle E. Johansson <oej@edvina.net> wrote:
Where do you run the SIP user agent?


On 24 Oct 2023, at 09:25, Mojtaba <mespio@gmail.com> wrote:

Absolutely yes, it has a built-in engine called "RTSPEngine" for media management, moreover, it can work with other modules in Kamailio like LRKProxy, RTPEngine or RTPProxy. 
The main decision to use the internal engine in this module is to avoid having multiple connections to each camera at the same time. Suppose two different agents want to check the specific camera on their phone stations. In this situation, the RTSP module initiates one connection to the camera. After that, the RTP streams come to the RTSPEngine and then will be sent to all agents.
I am looking forward to hearing  more ideas.

On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 3:35 PM Olle E. Johansson <oej@edvina.net> wrote:

> On 23 Oct 2023, at 11:13, Mojtaba via sr-dev <sr-dev@lists.kamailio.org> wrote:
> Hi All,
>  I'm going to release a new module that I've been developing, Real Time Streaming is a protocol to connect to camera devices to record video.
> Using this module, you can connect to all kinds of cameras and map them to internal numbers. When you call these numbers, the recorded video will appear on your video call station and change between cameras by DTMF.
> In addition, This module is used for video surveillance solutions.
> Please let me know your ideas on this. I am looking forward to hearing new ideas in this regard.

It sounds like a great application that many need. But I am curious on how you see this as a Kamailio module, as
kamailio does not handle media. Or do you have a server like RTPengine that you control from Kamailio somehow?


--Mojtaba Esfandiari.S

--Mojtaba Esfandiari.S