This patch helps us to handle inadequatness of Linphone mobile apps (both iOS and Android flavours are affected) without reinventing a lot of logics to handle each transport (we use TCP, TLS, WS, WSS).
E.g. if we have two TLS-based Linphone clients, even with enable_double_rr for gentle cross-forwarding we would get single RR header without transport= attribute, resulting in Linphone sending ACK and BYE via UDP.
This new option, being enabled, results in two RR headers being always inserted, with transport attribute being always added. I believe this cannot harm the installation with enable_double_rr, just makes instructions more explicit.
The Linphone's behaviour looks like a set of different bugs, but it would get us much more efforts to fix.
I don't know if any other useragent needs such workaround. So I would perfectly understand if this commit wouldn't be accepted upstream.

Also this commit currently lacks README doc rebuild, because I don't know how to do that. Only XML doc is updated.

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