@henningw ,

i see that for the example i gave above, the get_hdr_field() is called once, and then after that clen_builder() is called exactly 3 times, which corresponds with the 3 times concatenated value 129712971297 :

2022-11-03 13:42:58
28(53) DEBUG: {Thu Nov 3 12:42:58 2022 1 17733 INVITE 9326c0d2-2653-4041-8977-eecf1827a79c} [core/msg_translator.c:432]: clen_builder(): content-length: 1297 (1297)
2022-11-03 13:42:58
28(53) DEBUG: {Thu Nov 3 12:42:58 2022 1 17733 INVITE 9326c0d2-2653-4041-8977-eecf1827a79c} [core/msg_translator.c:432]: clen_builder(): content-length: 1297 (1297)
2022-11-03 13:42:58
28(53) DEBUG: {Thu Nov 3 12:42:58 2022 1 17733 INVITE 9326c0d2-2653-4041-8977-eecf1827a79c} [core/msg_translator.c:432]: clen_builder(): content-length: 1297 (1297)

13(38) DEBUG: {Thu Nov 3 12:42:57 2022 1 17733 INVITE 9326c0d2-2653-4041-8977-eecf1827a79c} [core/parser/msg_parser.c:187]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=1297

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