there could be other reasons to block subscriptions. Maybe the operator of the service decides that Alice and Bob are on different realms, and are thus not allowed to subscribe each others status. Explicitly blocking these requests, eventually with a reason would be the right way to do this.
El Viernes, 19 de Febrero de 2010, Klaus Darilion escribió:
> Am 19.02.2010 12:10, schrieb Iñaki Baz Castillo:But then Alice will know (or can know) that you have rejected her!
> > But there is a problem with point 1 as it's not valid for the case in
> > which you block a user who was allowed. This is, subscription status
> > cannot transition from "active" to "pending", so the only way is using
> > case 3 in which the subscription status remains "active" but the presence
> > server sends a spoofed NOTIFY with "offline" status.
> Why not terminate the subscription if Bob removes Alice from the allowed
> buddies?
> Then Alice will SUBSCRIBE again and receives status=pending.
Imagine you want to "captivate" Carol but don't want Alice to know that you
are connected. You don't want to reject Alice, but just set "invisible" for
her (you don't want to reject Alice because if you don't captivate Carol you
would like to try with Alice later). :)