
overall, the patch can be committed.

As a remark, printing the socket pointer to a string in an avp and getting it back is the ideal, still can be a bit faster than storing the socket string.

For the near future, I think that the dispatcher needs a bit of a review and move those avps in xavp, where a pointer can be stored directly, along with other simplifications/optimizations -- but this when the time comes for it.


On 02/11/14 09:25, Federico Cabiddu wrote:
according to Daniel's suggestion here are my proposed changes to implement per gateway and default sending socket in the dispatcher module.
Some notes about them:
- per gateway socket configuration is done using the "socket" attribute
- module default sending socket is configured via the "ds_default_socket" parameter
- sock_avp AVP is used to hold the sockets list for the selected gateways. It actually holds a pointer to the socket_info struct for the gateway sending socket (I borrowed the idea from another project). I'm currently wondering if it makes sense having its name configurable and empty by default (I followed the same logic as for the already existing AVPs) or if, due to its mainly internal usage, it wouldn't be better to give it a name by default and hide it to the module's user. 

Looking forward to hearing your feedback.



On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com> wrote:

in the first phase add the socket as an attribute for each gateway.

At some point we should look at making some of the attributes as dedicated fields (columns), but I would prefer to make it at once for all attributes that should be split out.


On 31/10/14 11:37, Federico Cabiddu wrote:
Hi all,
after fighting in the last days with dispatcher and the socket used to send pings and dispatch requests, I'm thinking in adding to the module the support for configuring the sending socket. Specifically what I'm thinking is:

1) add the sending socket as a gateways' parameter 
2) add an avp to store the gateways' send socket, to be used for load balancing failover
3) add a module parameter "ds_send_socket" to define a global socket 

The logic to select the sending socket would be:

1) if the gateway has send socket configured, use it
2) else, if configured, use the socket specified in ds_send_socket
3 else use the socket corresponding to the first listen directive (current behaviour)

What do you think about? Do you find that this would be generally useful?
About adding the send socket per gateway: how do you think it should be configured? In a dedicated column (db or file) or in the attrs parameter (just adding another attributes)?

Looking forward to your feedback.



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