Hello list,

I have a custom made module which uses a timer to monitor some statuses in a period of 1 second. Inside the function there's a loop that iterates over a table that can contain several hundreds of items and using each of them to perform some arithmetical operations. 

Under certain conditions, the number of items can grow to a few thousands in really exceptional cases and I believe this situation is causing Kamailio's slow timer process to consume more than 90% of CPU hanging up the other group of processes. 

My questions are:

- What is the best way to perform a repetitive task such as a loop in a timely basis taking in consideration a precision of at least 5 seconds? I'm currently registering a function using register_timer() call.

- Can a loop that takes more than 1 second to complete be causing this extremely high CPU consumption? 

Below is a copy of the top command when the event occurred:

22969 root      20   0 2140m  16m  14m R 98.8  0.1   7:22.03 kamailio  

Thanks in advance,
