
<null> is printed because you use $rs:

xlog("L_INFO", "UAC_AUTH(): $rs");

$rs is a variable relate to sip replies, in failure route is handled the request.

The logs don't show any error related to uac_auth(), so it should be ok -- watch the network traffic to see what is sent out.


On 25/08/14 18:29, Yuriy Gorlichenko wrote:
Hello. I have construction Asterisk --> Kamailio --> Providers

My provisers registered with UAC modure and stored at UACREG table.

Problem scenario is:

I ring from asterisk to provider

Asterisk --> Kamailio --> Providers

Call from asterisk come to kamailio with 

Then, to forward INVITE to provider that Needed I use some manipulations to choose provider (it does not matter, it is only sql_queryes to some tables), and then modify invite with this code:

#$var(prov) - my.provider.ip
#$var(trunk) - name_of_trunk 



#Then I get from database varibles to set it at failure route whet it needs to auth 


sql_pvquery("ca","select auth_username, auth_password, realm from uacreg where auth_username='$var(trunk)'","$avp(uname), $avp(passwd), $avp(realm)");

So -after this manipulation I have write packet, that goes to my provider.

Then Provier sends me 407 answer and packet goes to failure_route

if (t_check_status("401|407")){
        xlog("L_INFO", "Reply from provider on failure: $rs");

         xlog("L_INFO", "UAC_AUTH(): $rs"); 
After that Call fails. When I look at at syslog I see that avp parametrs succesfull sets: INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1484]: ops_print_avp(): p=0x7f63acec0650, flags=0x0113 INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1488]: ops_print_avp(): #011#011#011name=<realm> INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1496]: ops_print_avp(): #011#011#011val_str=<0 / 1> INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1484]: ops_print_avp(): p=0x7f63acebe1a8, flags=0x0113 INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1488]: ops_print_avp(): #011#011#011name=<passwd> INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1496]: ops_print_avp(): #011#011#011val_str=<0 / 1> INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1484]: ops_print_avp(): p=0x7f63ace697a8, flags=0x0113 INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1488]: ops_print_avp(): #011#011#011name=<uname> INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1496]: ops_print_avp(): #011#011#011val_str=<0 / 1> INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1484]: ops_print_avp(): p=0x7f63acec0240, flags=0x0113 INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1488]: ops_print_avp(): #011#011#011name=<realm> INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1496]: ops_print_avp(): #011#011#011val_str=<my.provider.com / 15> INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1484]: ops_print_avp(): p=0x7f63acec0308, flags=0x0113 INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1488]: ops_print_avp(): #011#011#011name=<passwd> INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1496]: ops_print_avp(): #011#011#011val_str=<mYPa$$wd / 8> INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1484]: ops_print_avp(): p=0x7f63acea3d40, flags=0x0113 INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1488]: ops_print_avp(): #011#011#011name=<uname> INFO: avpops [avpops_impl.c:1496]: ops_print_avp(): #011#011#011val_str=<myTrunk/ 16>
But Next I see:

ERROR <script> : AUTH_UAC(): <null>

As I see AUTH_UAC() don`t want to set Auth  parameters. 

My question is Why?


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