this still does not solve the problem.
I've also tried running Kamailio with -b 32768 option.

here are the logs:

Jan  2 14:54:24 debdev kamailio[2580]: ERROR: <core> [tcp_read.c:344]: ERROR: tcp_read: buffer overrun, dropping
Jan  2 14:54:24 debdev kamailio[2580]: ERROR: <core> [tcp_read.c:1127]: ERROR: tcp_read_req: error reading

Thanks for your help.

On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 1:17 PM, Andrew Pogrebennyk <> wrote:
you may try changing the tcp_rd_buf_size and tcp_conn_wq_max:

And since this in development mailing list I'd like to point at what
seem an iaccuracy in documentation: several options refer to the core
parameter called tcp_write_buf, which isn't described in the cookbook:

Maximum bytes queued for write allowed per connection. Attempting to
queue more bytes would result in an error and in the connection being
closed (too slow). If *tcp_write_buf* is not enabled, it has no effect.

I hope Daniel or someone who knows reads this..


On 01/02/2013 10:38 AM, Amit Elbaz wrote:
> Hi,
> While sending a big TCP SIP message (15K+), I get "tcp_read: buffer
> overrun, dropping" message.
> this happens after a few fragments have been sent, and then i get this
> message and the connection resets.
> is it possible to set the max-buffer size through configuration? if so,
> where?
> Thanks, Amit.
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