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a new release in 1.3 series is out. OpenSER (new project name: Kamailio) 1.3.4 is based on the latest version of branch 1.3, including many fixes in code and documentation, therefore those running 1.3.x are advised to upgrade.
Source tarballs are available at:
http://www.kamailio.org/pub/kamailio/1.3.4/src/ http://www.kamailio.org/pub/openser/1.3.4/src
Detailed changelog:
Download via SVN:
svn co https://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openser/branches/1.3 kamailio
Tag for this release can be browsed at:
Project site at SourceForge.net:
Modules' documentation:
http://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/1.3.x/ http://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/1.3.x
What is new in 1.3.x release series is summarized in the announcement of v1.3.0:
http://www.kamailio.org/mos/view/OpenSER-v1.3.x-Release-Notes/ http://www.kamailio.org/mos/view/OpenSER-v1.3.x-Release-Notes
/Note: Kamailio is the new name of OpenSER project. First version under Kamailio name was 1.4.0. Older versions will continue to use OpenSER name. /
Cheers, Daniel