<div class="jive-rendered-content"><p>Hi Friends,</p><p>Outbound calling works fine.<br> When I receive an inbound call, the phone rings, but when I pick up the phone, the conversation does not get established.</p><p></p><p>
have call from inside NAT extension number to Outside NAT extension (
Outboud call ) then call get established and two-way audio work fine</p><p>but when I have call from Outside NAT extension to Inside NAT extension (Inbound call ) then phone rings,</p><p>but when pickup the phone, audio is not present.</p>
<p style="padding: 0px; min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt;"> </p><p>During inboud call RTP packets are not transmit whereas Outboud call RTP packets transmit successful.</p><p>Sometimes, Inbound and Outbound call only one-way audio present.</p>
<p>Can anybody help me, or point me to a previous thread where this issue was discussed and solved?<br> <br> </p><p>Thanks in advance.</p></div><br>-- <br>Best Regards,<br><br>Rajnikant Vanza<br>