Hi,<br><br>I have a fresh checkout of openser <a href="http://1.3.0.">1.3.0.</a> I believe it gave the same problem using <a href="http://1.3.1.">1.3.1.</a><br><br>I don't see any core file in my working directory.<br>
<br>These are the last lines of my log file:<br><br>Apr 2 16:10:36 vpngw openser: Apr 2 16:10:34 [16079] DBG:uri_db:mod_init: uri_db - initializing<br>Apr 2 16:10:36 vpngw openser: Apr 2 16:10:34 [16079] DBG:core:init_mod: initializing module xlog<br>
Apr 2 16:10:36 vpngw openser: Apr 2 16:10:34 [16079] INFO:xlog:mod_init: initializing...<br>Apr 2 16:10:36 vpngw openser: Apr 2 16:10:34 [16079] DBG:core:init_mod: initializing module acc<br>Apr 2 16:10:36 vpngw openser: Apr 2 16:10:34 [16079] INFO:acc:mod_init: initializing...<br>
Apr 2 16:10:36 vpngw openser: Apr 2 16:10:34 [16079] DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <load_tm>(0) in module tm [/usr/local/lib/openser/modules/]<br>Apr 2 16:10:36 vpngw openser: Apr 2 16:10:34 [16079] DBG:core:init_mod: initializing module auth<br>
Apr 2 16:10:36 vpngw openser: Apr 2 16:10:34 [16079] INFO:auth:mod_init: initializing...<br>Apr 2 16:10:36 vpngw openser: Apr 2 16:10:34 [16079] DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <load_sl>(0) in module sl [/usr/local/lib/openser/modules/]<br>
Apr 2 16:10:36 vpngw openser: Apr 2 16:10:34 [16079] INFO:auth:mod_init: SL API loaded<br>Apr 2 16:10:36 vpngw openser: Apr 2 16:10:34 [16079] INFO:auth:generate_random_secret: (1)<br>Apr 2 16:10:36 vpngw openser: Apr 2 16:10:34 [16079] INFO:auth:generate_random_secret: (2)<br>
Apr 2 16:10:36 vpngw openser: Apr 2 16:10:34 [16079] INFO:auth:generate_random_secret: (3)<br>Apr 2 16:10:36 vpngw openser: Apr 2 16:10:34 [16079] INFO:auth:generate_random_secret: (3a)<br>Apr 2 16:10:36 vpngw openser: Iniciación de openser succeeded<br>
<br>Remember that the last lines "generate_random_secret" ( (1)...(3a) ) are the ones that I have added to spot where the problem.<br><br>Also it ends with a "... openser succeeded" there is no running openser processus ?!<br>
<br>Thanks for your help.<br>Pascal<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 2:50 PM, Henning Westerholt <<a href="mailto:henning.westerholt@1und1.de">henning.westerholt@1und1.de</a>> wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
On Wednesday 02 April 2008, Pascal Maugeri wrote:<br>
> [..]<br>
<div class="Ih2E3d">> 2) when I remove the configuration parameter "secret", the auth_mod.c calls<br>
> the method generate_random_secret() as stated in the documentation. It<br>
> enters in the loop<br>
> for(i = 0; i < RAND_SECRET_LEN; i++) {<br>
> LM_INFO("(3a)\n");<br>
> sec_rand[i] = 32 + (int)(95.0 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0));<br>
> }<br>
> LM_INFO("(4)\n");<br>
> but never exit ! This is the reason why my server does not start and keeps<br>
> blocked there. I modified the code above to print more logs, I can see in<br>
> the logs the string (3a) once but I never (4): IMHO it is blocked somewhere<br>
> in the first random computation.<br>
> I'm running openser on Redhat Enterprise v4.<br>
> Is there anything else I should configure in my environment ? Or I found a<br>
> bug ?<br>
</div>Hi Pascal,<br>
i just tested it, it works fine on my system. Without a secret parameter<br>
(which probably most people uses), its autogenerated. What version of openser<br>
do you use? Do you get a core file (in the working directory)/ observed a<br>
crash on startup? Could you please post the last lines debug log of the<br>
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