Hello list,<br><br>I have encountered an issue with OpenSER 1.3 and the Presence module. I have had this problem a month ago, then I downgraded to OpenSER 1.2 where the problem does not occur. Now, I want to try it out once again, and I still face the issue, so I come to you.
<br><br>I use the presence module, when a client sends a SUBSCRIBE request, i get the following error :<br>Oct 24 11:05:37 rd-srv-devlnx /usr/local/sbin/openser[21700]: presence:handle_subscribe: ^Ievent= presence<br>Oct 24 11:05:37 rd-srv-devlnx /usr/local/sbin/openser[21696]: presence:handle_subscribe: Missing or unsupported event header field value
<br><br>I have done the test with EyeBeam 1.1 3010n stamp 19039 and with X-lite 3.0 build 30942.<br><br>Maybe this is due to the formating of the event tag with a space after the equal, which I could change doing a bit of mangling in the configuration file, but I would like to know if I am the only one to experience this issue.
<br><br>Best regards,<br><br>Antoine<br><br>