Hello all,<br><br>I thank you people who given me help to find out a solution to prepaid billng<br>so as per one of the users suggestion i tried to install the patch of the b2bua<br>with asterisk 1.4.2 and i want to test whether the radius server is communicating
<br>with asterisk or not <br>the few doubts i have at present are<br><br>1)how to set radius attributes to radcheck table as i was unable to pass<br> the digest credentials to the radius server<br><br>2)the default library file provided with the b2bua is sufficient to talk to
<br> the readius server or shall i need to include as we did with openser<br> <br>3)what about this gateways information in the config file of b2bua <br><br>help is required <br><br><br>thanks in advance<br>srinivas antarvedi
<br> <br><br clear="all"> <br>i<br>