Hey everyone,<br><br>After quite a bit of google digging I've came across Dimitry's mail that cleared up<br>some things that weren't so obvious in the documentation of the ACC module.<br><br>He gave the example of using the following code:
<br><br><pre>modparam("acc", "radius_extra", "Sip-UA=$hdr(User-Agent);Sip-Via=$hdr(Via[*]); Sip-SDP=$rb")<br><font size="4"><span style="font-family: mon;"></span></font><br></pre>
Which in his case makes use of the Sip-UA, Sip-Via and Sip-SDP attributes but in the dictionary.sip file<br>provided with openser/radiusclient-ng these attribute aren't present, there are other sets of attributes<br>
but not these... And so, I tried adding myself some custom attributes to both dictionary files, <br>the one on the freeradius server and the other on openser's radiusclient-ng server and tried for example this:<br><br>
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Src-IP 900 string<br>ATTRIBUTE Sip-Src-Port 901 string<br>ATTRIBUTE Sip-Hdr-Contact 902 string<br>ATTRIBUTE Sip-Hdr-UA 903 string
<br>ATTRIBUTE Sip-Hdr-From 904 string<br>ATTRIBUTE Sip-Hdr-Media 905 string<br><br>And then I put in openser's cfg:<br><br>modparam("acc", "radius_extra", "Sip-Src-IP=$si")
<br><br>But it doesn't work, the accounting record on the freeradius server doesn't show the Sip-Src-IP attribute.<br>If I change the modparam to use Sip-User-Realm which is defined in the original dictionary.sip on both
<br>servers then THAT IS added to the accounting record... my question is why?<br><br>And the second question, is there a more extensive dictionary.sip file?<br>How is it possible to add my own custom attributes as well?<br>