Hello Users <br><br>Todays onwards I'm Started integrating SEMS. <br>Previously I'm using the Asterisk + openSER1.2 .For a small change , I shifted into the SEMS for voicemail <br><br>By this url ( <a href="http://openser.org/pipermail/users/2005-September/000844.html">
http://openser.org/pipermail/users/2005-September/000844.html</a> ) <br>i found t_write_reg<br>that is not in OpenSER tm modules , I found t_write_fifo/unix<br><br>How I can do the voicemail or announcement with OpenSER + SEMS
<br><br>Any one give me ant hints <br><br>Regardinng this points <br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Thanks &Regards<br>Ravi Prakash Sunkara