Hello Users,<br><br>I tried a lot , But I can't find the Solution of my Problem<br><br>Here is My Problem, Please solve my issues<br><br>When UAC's are in Behind the NAT with Different network and OpenSER is also inside the NAT with Firewalls supported,
<br>At this Time is No Voice at , HangUP and Accounting is taking place clearly,<br>But When UAC's are Behind the NAT with Same NetWok and OpenSER is Also inside the NAT, At this time , Voice and Accounting also clear
<br><br>openser,cfg<br><br># NAT Registering<br>route[2]<br>{<br>if(nat_uac_test("19")<br>{<br> setflag(6);<br> force_rtport()<br> fix_nated_register();<br> fix_nated_contact();
<br>};<br>}<br># Invite Section with NAT Haple<br>route[3]<br>{<br>if(nat_uac_test("19")<br>{<br> fix_nated_sdp("1")<br> force_rport()<br> fix_nated_contact();<br>}<br>force_rtp_proxy();<br>}<br>
on_route_reply<br> {<br> if(status==200 || status == 180 )<br> {<br> forece_rtp_poxy();<br>}<br> force_nated_contact();<br>}<br><br><br> <br>Thanks and Regards<br>Ravi Prakash Sunkara                <br><a href="mailto:ravi.sunkara@hyperion-tech.com">
ravi.sunkara@hyperion-tech.com</a>         <br>M:+91 9985077535<br><a href="http://www.hyperion-tech.com">www.hyperion-tech.com</a><br>Client and Parent company :- <a href="http://www.august-networks.com">www.august-networks.com