<div>Hello,</div> <div> </div> <div>I'm new to openSer and wondered if there was any resolution to this post??? I'm hitting this same crash with openSer (with TLS enabled) using a Snom phone (300 with latest Beta firmware - <A href="http://snom300-6.5-SIP-j.bin">snom300-6.5-SIP-j.bin</A>). I've gone through the archives looking for help getting this setup working. I've also tried the Snom Softphone with the same result. </div> <div> </div> <div>Thanks</div> <div>Frank</div> <div> </div> <div>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>></div> <div> </div> <div>Hi,<BR><BR> I have tried to register to OpenSER CVS 31.03 with my SNOM 360<BR>(5.3.6sw), disabled pretty all modules from OpenSER (radius, xlog, auth,<BR>...) and always the server crashes.<BR><BR> Is there something I have missed in configuration ?<BR><BR>
Thanks a lot for help,<BR> -Mika<BR><BR> The error message and debug info seems like this:<BR><BR>11(24351) tcpconn_new: new tcp connection to: XXX.XX.XX.XXX<BR>11(24351) tcpconn_new: on port 2171, type 3<BR>11(24351) tls_tcpconn_init: Entered: Creating a whole new ssl connection<BR>11(24351) tls_tcpconn_init: Looking up tls domain [XXX.XX.XX.XXX:5061]<BR>11(24351) tls_tcpconn_init: Using default tls server settings<BR>11(24351) tls_tcpconn_init: Setting in ACCEPT mode (server)<BR>11(24351) tcpconn_add: hashes: 442, 1<BR>11(24351) handle_new_connect: new connection: 0xb608f6a0 24 flags: 0002<BR>11(24351) send2child: to tcp child 0 7(24347), 0xb608f6a0<BR> 7(24347) received n=4 con=0xb608f6a0, fd=19<BR> 7(24347) DBG: io_watch_add(0x810e580, 19, 2, 0xb608f6a0), fd_no=1<BR> 7(24347) tls_update_fd: New fd is 19<BR>11(24351) DBG: handle_tcp_child: dead tcp child 0 (pid 24347, no 7)<BR>(shutting down?)<BR>11(24351) DBG: io_watch_del (0x810e420, 17, -1,
0x0) fd_no=16 called<BR>11(24351) ERROR: receive_fd: EOF on 15<BR>11(24351) DBG: handle_ser_child: dead child 7, pid 24347 (shutting down?)<BR>11(24351) DBG: io_watch_del (0x810e420, 15, -1, 0x0) fd_no=15 called<BR> 0(24339) child process 24347 exited by a signal 11<BR> 0(24339) core was generated<BR> 0(24339) INFO: terminating due to SIGCHLD<BR> 6(24346) INFO: signal 15 received<BR> 6(24346) Memory status (pkg):<BR><BR><BR></div><p> 
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