<br clear="all">Hello Users,<br><br>Actually the Sip Trace module is for Storing the Incoming and Outgoing sip Messeges in the Databases,<br><br>For tracing I'll use siptrace() <br>IS the Sip_trace is an event Action to SipServer ,
<br>If it a event Action , the Record will inserts more...<br><br>For My better Billing Application is this Module will use for me or not....<br><br>Because I don't Want thrid parties CDR Tool , <br><br>Can Any Help me in this Module ...
<br>Sorry For mt English.... X-cuse me <br><br>-- <br>Thanks and Regards with cheers<br>Sunkara Ravi Prakash (Voip Developer)<br>Hyperion Technology<br><a href="http://www.hyperion-tech.com">www.hyperion-tech.com</a><br>