<DIV>Hi users;</DIV> <DIV>i am new to use openser.I have to implement example like (<A href="http://www.voice-system.ro/docs/avpops/ar01s08.html#ex_trusting).in" target=_blank><FONT color=#003399>http://www.voice-system.ro/docs/avpops/ar01s08.html#ex_trusting).in</FONT></A> this (# do proxy authentication)parts create problem for me .plz help me to find which is the proxy authetication part in openser.cfg1(which is orignal file having no modification).</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>i am also giving openser.cfg2 (modified file by me) plz find out the mistake i am doing .plz solve my problem .i think there is some problem in configuration because after some modifation in configuration file when i am going to start my openser it gives me message like:OPENSER STARTS FAILED PID does not exist .</DIV><p> 
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