[Serusers] Regular Expression Problems in this if statement?

Sherwood McGowan madprofzero at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 28 18:21:55 CEST 2005

Hello all, very glad to have been a user on this list, though I have been
I've checked the documentation and have had trouble finding out information
on how to translate my standard regexes (perl) into SER's routing logic
I'm trying to use the following logic:
if (uri =~ "^sip:1[0-9]{10}\@[0-9]{3}\.[0-9]{3}\.1\.foo\.bar\.net") {
    #perform actions
Now, that SHOULD match the following scenario:
uri has 1 + 10 digits + @ + 3digits + . + 3digits + . + 1 + .foor.bar.net
Unfortunately, it's not working.Any help translating the regex, or even just
a link to the syntax allowed, maybe it's not allowing {n} to match n times?
Sherwood McGowan
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