Hi all,<br><br>I just wanna know if you have the value for the SIP-URI-Host attribute ?<br>It's used by the acc module (with radius acc enabled) and uri_radius.<br><br>I'm waiting for the OpenSER v1.5, because of the "misc_radius" module who exactly answers all my requests. In my case, I'm using radius for acc, auth, and all the SIP-AVP stuff to get all informations about my clients.<br>
For example, when a r-uri is an urgency number (i'm working for an telco entreprise), actually i request a db to rewrite with the good geographic number.<br>But my next step is to not use any db by SER. So I need to get the caller radius attributes to get an extra AVP declared especially with the translation (Radiator requests to a db) of the related geo number.<br>
then i rewrite the r-uri with it (maybe there's other ways to do this by Radius ?).<br><br>Many thanks all !<br><br>-- <br>Samuel MULLER<br>